Mark was raised in Mangatuna, by his old people and is considered a historian by his East Coast tribes of the North Island in New Zealand; Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Ngāti Ira and Ngāti Porou. He was the master carver for several meeting houses both on the East Coast as well as in the lower North Island. He and a small group of moko artists are responsible for the reinstatement of moko into New Zealand society. Mark has been employed in many national and international roles and one unique role has been to provenance artefacts.
For many years he was a board member of the national Māori art advocacy, Toi Māori. He has trained several moko artists and continues to work as a moko artist and design consultant in addition to holding the position as a co-director for Te Kurahuna. He is a confident facilitator of whānau hui and his approach to healing is celebrated by communities as he embraces his unique skills as a storyteller and keeper of ancient Māori knowledge and whakapapa.
*Consultation Fee:
45 minutes consultation with Mark $75.00. Google Meet is available for those outside of Gisborne.
*Booking Fee:
A non-refundable fee of $75.00 is to be deposited to confirm your booking.
*Minimum Fee:
$600.00 is the minimum fee for the first 2 hours of tāmoko. Each hour after is at the rate of $250.00. Payment is made via bank deposit on the day.
Availability :
Bookings are available 5 days a week
To protect our Tohunga Mark Kopua, other staff on site, and your whānau please don't enter into this whare; if you have a fever, cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath, please get tested for COVID-19.
To keep the driveway clear, please ensure to park on the road.
A maximum number of 15 people at a time to attend and tautoko you on the day. Inside the studio, a maximum of 5 people at a time.
Your whānau members are welcome to use the outdoor seating area on the deck.
If it is raining, feel free to use the whānau room.
Children must be supervised at all times.
No food or drinks inside the studio and the whānau room.

All moko related enquiries
Email us: moko@markkopua.com