Dive deeper into wānanga - Rangi Mātāwai. Register now

Welcome to your indigenous healing journey!

Tūporeariki is an indigenous approach to healing that reflects a deep commitment to personal growth, cultural connectedness, and confronting racism in a meaningful and thoughtful way. A journey of self-discovery, cultural reconnection, and practical action.

Tūporeariki invites you to explore your personal barriers, deepen your sense of identity, and confront the systemic challenges that often hinder cultural expression and empowerment. The overarching message is one of learning to balance self-reflection with proactive steps towards change, growth, and cultural revitalisation.

Tuia te Here Tangata

A collective approach to healing.

Tuia te Here Tangata

Brave and courageous like our atua Uepoto, you utilise your collective to embark on your healing journey. This in-person wānanga will engage the collective to work collaboratively on your healing journey.

NB: This is currently available to Ngāti Porou Oranga whānau.

Ka Rongo te Ao
Ka Rongo te Pō
Beyond EAP

Beyond EAP

Workplace employers invest in Employment Assistance Programmes that include individual counselling and/or psychology. Many of our people are not engaging in these services. 

Ka Rongo te Ao Ka Rongo te Pō involves your team coming together and being in wānanga, fostering collaboration, deepening connections to each other and finding shared purpose.

  • Improved access to culturally appropriate
    psychosocial support for
    Māori and non-Māori workforce in distress 

  • Increased workforce wellbeing

  • Improved working relationships 

  • Increased productivity for the

Contact us if you would like further information


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