Discover Mahi a Atua
Our place in the universe and how to live in harmony with each other and the environment.
Transforming Lives
We want to inspire the desire for change.
The Mahi a Atua approach
Wānanga to enhance your understanding of your unique inner strength.
Exploring the philosophy of Mahi a Atua
As your story unfolds, we all become enlightened.
Guided by three key principles
Tēnei te pō nau mai te ao

Indigenise Your Spaces

Ka mā te ariki ka mā te tauira

Remain an Active Learner

Hongihongi Te Wheiwheiā

Embrace Feedback

Who we have worked with

Drs' Diana Kopua & Michelle Levy, Tohunga Mark Kopua and invited guests have put together a series of publications to contribute and sanctify our ever changing world.
Te Whare Wānanga o Te Kurahuna Report 2021
An overview of our activities and finances in the 2021 financial year.